Our Founders - M&N

Founded by Maggie and Natalie (M&N), ina.vibe is a brand that champions natural, sustainable, eco-friendly, and intentional living.
With deep ties to Australia, they share a profound appreciation for the country's pure and natural products. Their personal experiences and values have shaped the foundation and mission of ina.vibe, which is divided into two key divisions: ina.living and ina.mine.

M&N's Story


Maggie has lived in Australia for 16 years, where she built a family and became the mother of a four-year-old daughter. Her long-term residence in Australia has fostered a deep connection to the country and its high-quality natural products. As a mother, Maggie is committed to ensuring that all products used by her household are safe. She diligently researches product information and user reviews to ensure they are high quality, child-friendly, and eco-friendly.

Her concern for the environment, heightened by extreme weather conditions in Asia, drives her to advocate for reducing pollution and slowing down global warming by promoting the use of eco-friendly products. Maggie aims to bring the high-quality, pure, and eco-friendly products she has experienced in Australia back to Asia, believing that saving the planet starts with small steps from each of us.



Natalie lived and studied in Australia for more than five years, immersing herself in the country's culture of balanced lifestyle and developing a deep appreciation for its essence of nature. After returning Hong Kong, she found the busy city underscored the necessity of finding peace and serenity amidst the hustle and bustle. This realisation has driven her to achieve tranquility through a lifestyle that is intentional, sustainable, and essentialist.

Her meticulous purchasing habits are a reflection of her personality, characterised by careful research and a commitment to quality. Natalie has brought this principle of thorough product selection from her personal life into the core of ina.vibe. She emphasises choosing products that are beneficial for both our physical body and the environment, while also improving holistic wellbeing.

Natalie has been interested in and passionate about psychology since a young age, her growing passion for mindfulness, and spirituality in the past 10 years has driven her to a deep dive into self-discovery and participate in various related trainings. This has led her to a path of increased consciousness, emotional agility, and lasting happiness. With the knowledge and skills learned along with her empathetic nature, she wants to share the happiness with the community.